I'm 22 years old. So it is quite unreasonable to expect me to be unaffected by the arrival of a new pimple on the calm environs of my cheek. Stuff like this shouldn't be happening anymore. I'm out of that cursed age-zone for gods sakes!! So you would, of course forgive me for being violently angry and moody for the rest of the week.
In other news, this week was Superbowl week. Now, as my brother was trying to insinuate, I'm not turning into an American (although American football is sufficiently violent to engage me); my interest in this mega-event was the commercials. An unsaid piece of homework assignment, which I gladly did.
My vote goes to:
The tiny Darth Vader (which I think is a girl btw) was the most darling thing on television that night. This commercial as heavily advertised virally with a 1 minute version hitting the internet a week before Superbowl and garnering more than 14 million hits. Then, the same commercial aired during the game with a 30 second spot. Very smart.
Another commercial worth checking out:
A 2 minute long advertising spot during Superbowl. Daimler Chrysler shelled out heavy and have gained a very favorable response in-turn. Brilliant ad, featuring Eminem, with a Detroit-nostalgia thing about it.
Other ads I liked: Doritos, Sleepys and NFL
Oh, by the way, the Packers crushed the Steelers.
How 'bout the BMW ad??
Doesn't stand out as much, does it? Not much to say about recall value. I liked the Audi ad better.
I thought the ads were a disappointment as compared to the ones in prev. yrs :|. Have you seen the 'Bud Light' ad with the funny Indian guy which aired a few years back? Now that was an AD :P. I have been following the NFL bigtime after coming here and was crushed twice recently-with my team NY Jets and now Steelers losing :(.
Oh, they weren't a good batch, no doubt. And that Ad is awesome! Nothing beats 1984 though acc to me, for sheer vision. I thought Motorola would make something out of it this year but it turned out to be a disappointment.
I liked the Dorritos ad better! The one with Adam and Eve.
You have excellent taste, although I liked Eminem's Brisk commercial better.
I'm surrounded by Bears and Packers fan. Cool but sort of annoying, when all that yelling keeps you up.
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