Nov 24, 2010

Fall Colors

Life's like this. 

Burnt Sepia. 
Jaded Green. 

I wish there was an app in my brain that synced tiny blog posts directly from my brain to blogger.
MindBlogger - That's what it should be called.

Amidst all those colors, my blog has been graying out to an ominous black.
Like the weather in the glorious city of Boston which is freezing its way from fall to winter.

In the three months that I've been here I've been witness to almost three weather types - summer, fall and winter. Of course one could argue that -2 degrees could hardly be called winter in New England, I can already see little kids skating in the Frog Pond.

I'm gonna try that soon. And post the gory details of my embarrassing failure, don't you worry.

Classes are great. Work's awesome. Life's been sucked dry out of me, but I reportedly look better so I won't fight it. I sleep for 6 hours on an average as opposed to 12 hours in my previous life and that could be a problem if I had time to worry about it. 

I've adapted. I've stopped converting INR to USD, 5 degrees is relatively warm weather, working for 10 hours non-stop means today is a good day and Coke is water. 
Also: I've spelled colour as color and grey as gray (!!)

Special shout out to: Ketan Deshpande, Megha Roy and Karan whatever-your-last-name-is.


Christopher said...

I'm not sure spring is actually a season, I've never witnessed it for more than a couple days.

Nikhil said...

I totally dig that 1st pic up there. \m/ And yes, thanks to Thanksgiving I finally get a break and a reason to leave this ghost-town called Troy :)

Such! said...

@Chris: Hey! Im in the States!
And yeah, spring is fleeting I've heard.

@Balu: See you soon!

Sharanya said...

eVERYONE'S up and blogging again! Ag, if you're reading this, this means you should move your butt too.

I still don't have a job.

Hot chocolate is water.


Such! said...

@S: Already? This is nothing baby. Unfortunately I can sympathize with you because New England weather is almost like England weather. Im not down in the dumps yet though.

Yay to more blogging. Mag's a bum.

Connally said...

MindBlogger. epic.

Boundlesstech said...

Great post, I admire the writing style :) A little off topic here but what theme are you using? Looks pretty cool.

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